Friday 11 May 2012

Kooky encounters of the nail polish kind....

So a pretty normal exercise has turned into a what the? moment. Nail polish, a fairly harmless beauty product right? Wrong! Mine is stuck, well half stuck. I'm going for that" it went on a few weeks ago and I've forgotten to take it off" look. Not forgotten, just didn't get around to doing it.

Today was the day, I even had cotton balls at the ready, and what I thought was a reliable brand of remover.

Not to be, no amount of cotton ball soakage would budge the polish! I contemplated for a second popping a new coat over the top, but we all know what result that gives you.

 I was left with patches and  tatty ones at that. I like to think I am down with a skinny latte or a no fat yoghurt, But I will never buy low fat remover again! (non acetone) It just doesn't cut the mustard when you're Keen to get it off ;)

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