Monday, 25 February 2013

Drum Roll......Ta da!

So I have drawn a winner of the MOOV Pack

Can we have a standing ovation and a big round of applause for........


Congratulations Toni :)

Please send me an email to claim your prize!!!

And may the MOOV keep you sane this term!!

Yum on a budget...tuna and rice are very nice!

I'll admit I love good food but you don't need to spend a lot or think a Michelin star restaurant needs to satisfy.

A can of tuna and left over boiled rice can produce a yummy hearty dish!

So I had a craving for fish cakes,but didn't have any fish on hand. Tuna is a good alternative and cheap. I don't know about you, But I always have a tin of tuna in the pantry. I had some left over rice in the fridge also which happens to make THE best fried rice. In fact day old rice is the only way to cook fried rice IMO. It is slightly dry so its impossible to glug it up.

Tuna Cakes. Serves 2-4 depending on how big you make them
185g tin. I use Sirena Tuna -Use a bigger tin if serving more.
4 Potatoes. I've been buying Carisma Potatoe they mash well and are low GI
1-2 tablespoons of Rice flour-more if you think the mix is too wet. You can use plain flour or Corn flour also. I prefer rice as it doesnt leave a floury taste.
Extra rice flour for dusting once rolled
1 Egg
Seasoning- this is up to you and what flavours you prefer. Last night I used ginger,mint,coriander,white pepper and salt
Dill,parsley or sage would work too.

Fist things first, get your spuds on to boil-Cook well,drain and mash. I dont add anything to the mash. 
Add the mashed spuds to the rest of the ingredients making sure you have broken up the tuna well.
Mix and adjust flour depending on mix. You dont want them too dry.

Roll between two large dessert spoons into balls and then dust in flour. You can crumb them if your prefer. I prefer without crumbs.

Heat some olive oil or grapeseed oil in a pan and gently cook either side.Flatten slightly once in the pan. They wont need long!

I served this with a variety of veg stirred through some left over rice..adding the usual lime,dash of tom sauce and light soy.

A salad would also be a good accompaniment 


Monday, 18 February 2013

MOOV on out! When Lice are not nice.....

Who else gets instantly itchy when someone mentions Head Lice? I know I do. It is a natural reaction. It is also a natural reaction to seemingly think the infected person is in some way at fault. The problem of the great unwashed. Myth Numero Uno!

It is time to down that stigma. Let us all be open and frank about Lice shall we?

Hands up to all of those who have had at least one child (or more) come home with Lice. Schools and child care centres are the most obvious starting point, and in this case sharing is NOT caring.

I too thought I had avoided it. Not to be. So I have moved into those stats and armed myself with information. I was so confused the first time I walked into a Chemist looking for the right product.

It is almost a childhood right of passage. You get the mandatory letter home. The little critters are forming an army ready to take on your school and are more than ready to use your child as a host if need be.

Do you use a precautionary tactic? Do you wash and sterilise everything in sight? Do you go the extremes and wrap your house in plastic and chemically fight them?

Talking about it and knowing what is on the market is the best prevention. Don't be ashamed if your child suddenly does the itchy dance. Did you know there are 4.5 MILLION cases detected every year in Australia! CRAZY! And what is more crazy is if somehow you have avoided being in this statistic.

Head lice are more prevalent than many Australian parents are lead to believe. It is no surprise then, that the start of a new school year makes mums and dads anxious of the dreaded ‘itch’. The MOOV Head Lice Survey conducted in partnership with Galaxy Research, surveyed over 1,000 mums (with children aged between 4-12 years old) revealing that over half (57%) of mothers admit that they aren’t comfortable talking about their child’s head lice to their school or other mums and dads. This figure, when coupled with the number of cases in Australia, shows that we need to do something to reduce the stigma, dispel the myths and get parents talking about head lice.
MOOV can also reveal that 72% of mums struggled to break the head lice cycle with their children and felt their school had a chronic or continual issue with head lice infestation. The larger issue is that nearly half (48%) of parents also admit that they don’t always tell their school when their child has head lice further perpetuating both lice and the associated stigma. This means it’s very possible schools are under-estimating the problem and the lack of communication from parents may potentially compound the issue.
The MOOV Head Lice Survey, the first of its type in Australia, focuses on the psychological effects of diagnosis on children and parents, rather than just solely on prevention and treatment. Armed with this new evidence into the habits and behaviours of Australian families, MOOV gives parents effective tools to fight head lice in schools. During the first school term of 2013 MOOV will be running an education program for over 150,000 primary schools students called ‘Defend Your Class’. The program, developed in conjunction with teachers, will help reduce the stigma of head lice amongst both kids and parents, removing the ‘embarrassment factor’ by encouraging open communication and better lice management practices.
MOOV ambassador Nicole Livingstone, former Olympic swimmer and busy mum of three (to Ella, Joshua and Robinson), understands the meaning of perseverance as sometimes dealing with head lice can feel like it requires the same commitment as that of an Olympian in training!
“Having children with head lice can be a real challenge. Not only do you have to inspect the whole family to check for lice and eggs but you also have to deal with the tears and distress that so many children experience when they find they’re hosting a head lice party!”

Thanks Nicole for your insight and personal experience.

So with those stats in mind, it's nuts to not get talking about how these pesky critters can be prevented or avoided.

First and foremost, chat about it. Being in the year 2013 and all means that these issues can be broached. No one is going to burn you at the stake for having an opinion.

Secondly get yourself a product that works.

If you are still with me and lets face it why wouldn't you be as you're probably itching and want to find out all there is to know. So lets get chatting.

MOOV  MOOV in schools is a new defence program aimed at cutting out the stigma attached to Lice invasions of the third kind. It wants to know how you eradicate in your house.

AND the best bit besides having a little 'ol chin wag about it, I have ONE complete pack to give away.

MOOV had kindly joined forces and offered a pack to my readers.

YES!! I tell you no lies. RRP of almost $100. ONE complete pack to keep your house totally nit wit free!!

•             Moov Head Lice Shampoo: $ 19.95
•             Moov Head Lice Combing Conditioner: $ 16.95
•             Moov Head Lice Defence Spray: $ 12.95
•             Moov Head Lice Solution: $ 22.95
•             Moov Head Lice Sensitive: $ 22.95

So now I throw it over to you. To WIN this awesome prize pack and help your house stay nit free this year all you need to do is tell us how you cope when your child brings home Lice. What is your way to combat or prevent?

We want to hear real stories from real parents. Tell us how you MOOV the LICE!

This will run until Sunday the 24th of Feb 2013.

This is in no way affiliated with Facebook.

One lucky reader will be picked from the comments. You must comment to be in the running.
The prize pack will be posted directly from MOOV HQ.

So what are you waiting for? Comment away and lets get chatting about lice.

*Disclaimer- I am now sooooooooooo itchy!!!!

Safety- when short cuts don't cut it.....

If you're anything like me you've probably gone through more prams and car seats than had hot dinners.

It is crazy what paraphernalia you must buy. I for one though would never compromise on car seat safety.

Soooo it's your lucky day-again right?

I have one safe n sound child safety harness to give away! That's right a total freebie. It's like Christmas in February!

All you need to do is comment on why you so NEED this for your child. Be creative, be silly, tell me a real story of keeping your children strapped in at all costs.


I'll be choosing a winner Friday night.

Don't forget to share with your Pals ;)


Comment here.

*****This is no way affiliated with Facebook*****

Monday, 11 February 2013

Housework, The era of change...

I freely admit I would rather sit on hot coals that do housework. I love a sparkling clean house, but in reality it lasts less than 5 seconds once the children storm back in.
WHY do they always manage to spill something on a clean floor?  DOES it become a magnet for food and drinks? I swear nothing ever gets dropped on a floor that hasn't been mopped BUT as soon as I mop it-BAM there goes a drink out of a little hand, and yes I cry over spilt milk!!

Beds- not made they don’t get a look in. Made get jumped on or covers pulled off to make a cubby. HELLO why can’t cubbies be made when the covers are half off already?

Sorting laundry- a basket can sit unfolded and un touched for days. AS soon as I sort and fold it they are there rummaging through to find that blue tee shirt they swear was there last week.

Carpets- freshly vacuumed will always attract the left over sand in their sneakers that they have picked up whilst playing at school.

My least favourite chore is ironing. When will someone invent cotton that does not crease? My husband has to wear shirts to work, and this admittedly is the bulk of the ironing. I know people that iron under wear….one word-DEDICATION! Why would you iron a garment that will never see the light of day?

Anyhoo because I hate ironing I normally leave it until late at night, and quickly iron one ready for the morning. Yes I know I should just iron all 340 of them at once but hey a girls got priorities right?
I leave the shirt in the laundry ready for hubby.

 OMG I realised after hubby left this morning I hadn’t ironed a shirt. No biggie, he knows how to iron and does so often. Being my least favourite chore and all.

This morning was no different. I hadn’t ironed one last night. He left and I thought nothing of it. EXCEPT for the fact there was a shirt missing. After doing the washing over the weekend there was one shirt that I had hung to dry inside.
THAT shirt was gonski!
Not ironed!
Not one bit of Teflon had graced the collars and cuffs… OOPs!

I wondered if he noticed and could this mark a new era of the non-ironed but looks like it has been ironed look......

Friday, 1 February 2013

Mamma Mia!

Takeaway is takeaway but when you make your own its the bomb!

We love home made pizza and its so simple why wouldn't you indulge?

The children love doing it and so do we!